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2017-06-21 |
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100 __ ■a20110607d2011 em y0chiy50 ea
101 0_ ■achi■eeng
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200 1_ ■a资源环境约束下的适宜城市化进程测度理论与实证研究■9zi yuan huan jing yue shu xia de shi yi cheng shi hua jin cheng ce duo li lun yu shi zheng yan jiu■dMeasuring theory and its empirical study on suitable urbanization process under constraint of the resources and environment■f刘耀彬著■dMeasuring theory and its empirical study on suitable urbanization process under constraint of the resources and environment■f刘耀彬著■f刘耀彬著■zeng
210 __ ■a北京■c社会科学文献出版社■d2011
215 __ ■a467页■d24cm
300 __ ■a国家社会科学基金项目(编号:07CJL031)
330 __ ■a本书考察了资源环境在城市化进程中的效应、约束现象及其表现;从理论上揭示资源环境约束城市化的机理与规律,并在此基础上构建了资源环境约束下的城市化一般均衡分析理论和框架;设计和提出资源环境约束下的适宜城市化进程测度模型和方法;以江西和江苏两省为例进行实证,测度“十五”时期以来两省在资源环境约束下的适宜城市化进程,并由此提出资源环境约束下推进适宜城市化进程的政策建议。
510 1_ ■aMeasuring theory and its empirical study on suitable urbanization process under constraint of the resources and environment■zeng
606 0_ ■a城市化进程■x测度论■x研究
690 __ ■aF2■v4
701 _0 ■a刘耀彬■9liu yao bin■4著
801 _0 ■aCN■b91MARC■c20130904